A Guide to Student Loans: Can you use student loans for a car?

Can you use student loans for a car? Find out everything you need to know about what types of loans you can use for a vehicle.

What sort of car can you buy with your student loan? Can you use it for rent? Buy it with an allowance? Are there any restrictions at all on what kind of vehicle you can buy with your loan?
Find out everything you need to know in this guide to the student loan market, including how much interest will be charged on a car that is bought using borrowed money – and when. Plus: find out if your student loan will provide any tax benefits – and which ones they are.

Types of Student Loans

I have a student loan, my daughter has student loans. What do you think about the loans that I have?
This is a question we hear all the time on our podcast. And it’s an important question. It’s why most people don’t get into trouble with their student loans — because they don’t understand the risks of borrowing money from a bank and then not being able to pay it back, or because they think that the government is taking care of them.

Sadly, many people misunderstand how loans work. For example, one of the biggest myths about student loans is that every single adult has to take out a student loan: in fact, only students (and some grad students) are eligible for educational debt — so everyone else has to take out some form of debt, even if it doesn’t match up with their education and training. Also, there is no limit on what type of debt you can have and pay off with your earnings — but it does matter that you have high-interest debt compared to lower-interest debt (such as a mortgage or auto loan).
There are also different types of student loans:

  • Federal Direct Loans: These are made by the federal government and are available to undergraduates in low-income families through the Department of Education, usually at a low interest rate.
  • Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL): These are loans given by private lenders and available through banks — these typically have higher interest rates than federal direct loans.
  • Unsubsidized Stafford Loans: These can be used for postsecondary education without a co-signer (the parent or guardian), but some states do not allow this option; other states may allow it with a $2,500 cap on individual income limits.
    Now let’s talk about repayment options for each type:
    Federal Direct Loans There really aren’t any differences between these two types of loan — except for one thing: It costs $1 more per month than an FFEL Loan. But if you use an FFEL Loan, you also get more benefits including forgiveness after 25 years (if your school has forgone interest payment while you were in school). If your job changes or your school stops giving grants and scholarships, this could change over time; read here for details. You need to go through financial aid offices if your school gives grants and scholarships though (they can help guide you to which program

How to Apply for a Loan

Without a doubt, car loans are among the most-used financing options in the United States. Car loans are typically offered through the auto loan market, the equity loan market or to purchase a vehicle outright. These types of financing options have become very popular in recent years as they offer short-term financing and they provide an opportunity to pay off high-interest rate loans quickly with your cash.
Car loans can be obtained in a variety of ways, but whether you choose to buy or finance a new or used vehicle is ultimately up to you. Even if you don’t need to pay off a car loan yourself, sometimes providing it for someone else can be an excellent way for couples to save money on their mortgage payments and even lower their monthly payment on their credit card bills.
But what exactly do you need your loan, who do you need it from and how can you find out more about what types of loans are available? To find out all this answered here…

How to Repay Your Student Loans

Just because you can use a student loan for a car doesn’t mean you should. Depending on the type of loan you have, there are different repayment rules, and in some cases, different repayment periods. This post explains everything you need to know about student loans.
The key elements of this post are: 1) What types of loans can I use for a vehicle? 2) How long do I have to repay my student loans?

Financing a Car with a Student Loan

After graduating and working out a job, you may find yourself in dire need of a vehicle. In that case, you will probably have a few options. If you are using a student loan, there are several ways to use it to get the car you want. Student loans can be used for:

  • Truck registrations: VINs (Vehicle Identification Numbers) are the unique identifiers assigned to each motor vehicle manufactured by a manufacturer.
  • Car purchases: The title identifies the vehicle and is transferred from the seller to the buyer after purchase. The buyer must then register the car with your state to transfer ownership. The title must be registered in your state before you can use student loans on it.
  • Real estate transactions: A deed or contract (notarized or otherwise) transfers ownership of real property from one person or entity to another.
  • Car leases: You can use them for an extended period (up to 36 months). You pay rent for that long, and when you leave, your bank releases the property back into private hands.
    You should only use student loans if:
  • You have access to financial aid and scholarships, which means that you don’t need that additional income while you’re studying; also, your loan is not a credit card or personal loan; etc.;
  • You have an established credit score; and/or;
  • You can take out multiple loans at one time without exceeding limits on those maximums (otherwise debt collection agencies might make their way into your life).


Can you use student loans for a car?" is no longer a question we get asked. It used to be the case that people who could use student loans for a car would only ask about it in the rarest of circumstances. But it seems that now, with more and more people entering the market, people are starting to ask about it. That’s good news: as more and more people enter the market, there’s more opportunity for products to compete on price.

Our products are designed to take advantage of that: they’re affordable in part because they don’t require any debt. And while some companies have taken advantage of the “repayment is free” mindset by charging interest rates approaching zero (like Uber), we believe that we can do better than that: our value proposition is based on user experience rather than price, so we should be able to offer very low interest rates on your vehicle loan.